Lori Carey Photography

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Theme and Variations

Bet you didn't know I am a classically trained pianist; few people do. My life is divided into four distinct segments, and I recently realized that there is no one alive who knows all of the parts; in fact, very few even know two. It's been on my mind a lot lately as I wonder about maybe finding a way to connect all the dots and make it one story instead of four separate chapters.

My first word was music and it's always played a very important part of my life. Theme and variations has always been one of my favorite practice drills; pick a piece as the theme, say something by Beethoven, then play it in a different key (preferably minor), next a different tempo, then in the style of Chopin, throw in some Rachmaninoff, try it as a waltz or a polka or make it rock and roll. I could do that for hours and it never seemed like practice.

While reviewing some images from a recent day out shooting, Theme and Variations is what came to mind.

...nothing after the jump.

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